公益社団法人 日本水環境学会
平成19年度 博士研究奨励賞(オルガノ賞)受賞者

平成19年度 博士研究奨励賞(オルガノ賞)受賞者

堆 洋平
Effects of Substrate Concentration on Thermophilic Hydrogen Fermentation from Starch
浅岡 聡
造粒石粉を用いた沿岸底質環境改善材開発のための基礎的研究 〜 栄養塩溶出試験およびSkeletonema costatumの増殖試験 〜
A Preliminary Study on Development for the Coastal Sediment Amendment with Granulated Stone Powder - Nutrient Elution Test and Growth Experiment of Skeletonema costatum -
大坂 利文
Denitrifying Bacterial Community Structure in Wastewater Treatment Process Revealed by Molecular Biological Approaches
川上 周司
Two-pass TSA-FISH法によるシングルセルレベルでの機能遺伝子の特異的検出
Visualization of functional genes at the cellular level by ultra sensitive two-pass TSA-FISH with oligonucleotide probes
小林 拓朗
Microbial Community Shift during Cultivating a Inoculum for the Start-up of Anaerobic Digestion from Waste Activated Sludge and Cattle Manure
酒井 宏治
紫外線によるMicrocystis aeruginosa の増殖抑制及びミクロキスティンの放出抑制
Growth Inhibition of Microcystis aeruginosa and Release of Intracellular Microcystin by UV
野見山 桂
Production Mechanism of Hydroxylated Polychlorinated Biphenyls (OH-PCBs) by Oxidative Degradation of PCBs Using Titanium Dioxide in Water, And Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Their OH-PCBs
山下 恭広
Phosphorus removal and denitrification using wood and iron as electron donor
山田 真義
新規高温UASB 反応器による焼酎廃液のオンサイトパイロット処理実験
On-site Pilot-scale Study of Thermophilic Methane Fermentation from Shochu Distillery Wastewater by Novel UASB Reactor