JSWE-ORGANO Doctoral Research Awards
This award is aimed to widely introduce excellent research outcomes by doctoral students and to encourage research by young researchers.
This award is sponsored by Organo Corporation.
The applicants must be:
・ Student Member or Individual Regular Member of Japan Society on Water Environment
・ The age of 35 or under at the end of March in the year.
・ Doctoral student or obtaining doctoral degree after January 1 of the previous year.
・ Registered as Presenter for the young researchers' session (Organo session) at the Symposium of Japan Society on Water Environment.
The Presentation, Final Selection and Award ceremony will be held at Symposium of JSWE.
Deadline of the application for the Organo Award at 27th Symposium is 25th June, 2024.
Instructions for Organo Awards
This award is aimed to encourage research and is awarded to excellent papers by member(s) of JSWE published in the organization's journal throughout the year (Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, Journal of Water and Environment Technology (JWET)).
The selection will be conducted by the Selection Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of JSWE.
Award ceremony will be held at Symposium of JSWE.
This award is sponsored by METAWATER. CO., LTD.