公益社団法人 日本水環境学会
論文賞 歴代受賞者

論文賞 歴代受賞者


井上 大介
Effectiveness of Tetrahydrofuran at Enhancing the 1,4-Dioxane Degradation Ability of Activated Sludge Lacking Prior Exposure to 1,4-Dioxane
白崎 伸隆
Investigation of removal and inactivation efficiency of human sapovirus in drinking water treatment processes by applying an in vitro cell-culture system


寺田 昭彦
Organic carbon determines nitrous oxide consumption activity of clade I and II nosZ bacteria: Genomic and biokinetic insights


春日 郁朗
Molecular-level characterization of biodegradable organic matter causing microbial regrowth in drinking water by non-target screening using Orbitrap mass spectrometry


中島 典之
Metabolomic responses of an estuarine benthic amphipod to heavy metals at urban-runoff concentrations


栗栖 太
Molecular characteristics of dissolved organic matter transformed by O3 and O3/H2O2 treatments and the effects on formation of unknown disinfection by-products
李 玉友
Anaerobic treatment of N, N-dimethylformamide-containing wastewater by co-culturing two sources of inoculum


片山 浩之
Pepper mild mottle virus as a process indicator at drinking water treatment plants employing coagulation-sedimentation, rapid sand filtration, ozonation, and biological activated carbon treatments in Japan
松下 拓
Removals of pesticides and pesticide transformation products during drinking water treatment processes and their impact on mutagen formation potential after chlorination


佐野 大輔
Bacterial histo-blood group antigens contributing to genotype-dependent removal of human noroviruses with a microfiltration membrane


亀屋 隆志
Detection of Japanese PRTR Chemicals in a River Affected by Effluent from Industrial and Sewage Facilities


岸本 直之
Reusability of Iron Sludge as an Iron Source for the Electrochemical Fenton-type Process using Fe2+/HOCl System


佐藤 弘泰
Analysis of Bacterial Communities in Treated Water and Activated Sludge and Evaluation of an Easy Methodology for preparing PCR-Compatible DNA Extracts


井上 隆信
高梨 啓和
Production of Chloro-5-hydroxy-2-nitrobenzoic Acid through Chlorination of 3-Methyl-4-nitrophenol,a Typical Hydrolysate of Fenitrothion


常田 聡
Formation of nitrifying granules using a continuous stirred-tank reactor


池 道彦
Development of DNA microarray for the evaluation of environmental functions


木村 克輝
Changes in characteristics of soluble microbial products in membrane bioreactors associated with different solid retention times: Relation to membrane fouling


西村 哲治
The behaviour and cholinesterase inhibitory activity of fenthion and its products by light and chlorination


大橋 晶良
岡部  聡
Quantification of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in enrichment cultures by real-time PCR
藤井 滋穂
Analysis of parameter variations in L-Q equations for river runoff processes from the viewpoint of spatial and temporal conditions


平田 強
γ線および電子線照射によるCryptosporidium parvumオーシストの不活化効果
船水 尚行
Transformation and characterisation of dissolved organic matter during the thermophilic aerobic biodegradation of feces


古米 弘明
Modelling of runoff behaviour of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from roads and roof
味埜 俊
In situ identification and characterization of the microbial community structure of full-scale enhanced biological phosphorous removal plants in Japan


荒木 信夫
溶存酸素濃度および基質のC/N比が脱窒素汚泥内のnirS mRNA転写量に及ぼす影響
迫田 章義
Adsorptive ozonation of 2-methylisoborneol in natural water with preventing bromate formation


鈴木 穣
高田 秀重
Distribution of linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) in riverine and coastal environments in South and Southeast Asia


海老瀬 潜一
松井 佳彦
Effect of natural organic matter on powdered activated carbon ad-sorption of trace contaminants: characteristics and mechanism of competitive adsorption
山本 和夫
Hydraulic effects on sludge ac-cumulation on membrane surface in crossflow filtration